Τετάρτη 26 Οκτωβρίου 2011

20 facts about vaccines you won’t likely see on a government website.

By Catherine J. Frompovich | October 25th, 2011 | Category: Catherine Frompovich, Top Stories | 1 Comment »

20 facts about vaccines you won’t likely see on a government website.
1.In 1868, 1873, and 1881 smallpox vaccinations in the USA led to an alarming spread of leprosy as reported to the Board of Health.
2.In 1883 A Vaccine Disaster Record was published that documented over 400 deaths from vaccination.
3.In 1900 the Rockefeller and JP Morgan syndicate purchased Encyclopedia Britannica and had all derogatory information and references about vaccinations removed from it.
4.In 1917 during World War I, U.S. soldiers vaccinated before shipping over to Europe were dropping dead from a strange syndrome that seemed to be attacking only young people.
5.In 1928 [August 27] the League of Nations [forerunner to the United Nations] published a report on encephalitis (brain inflammation) that stated, “The post-vaccinal encephalitis with which we are dealing has become a problem of itself… a new, or at least previously unsuspected or unrecognized risk attaches to vaccination…“
6.U.S. Secretary of War, Henry L Simpson, issued a report in 1942 that said, “Recent Army experience with yellow fever vaccine resulted in 28,505 cases of hepatitis with 62 deaths.”
7.The Willowbrook School vaccine experiment lasted from the 1950s until 1972 during which time mentally disabled children were deliberately infected with hepatitis in an effort to find a vaccine.
8.In 1957 The New York Times reported that close to 50 percent of polio cases that occurred in children between 5 and
14 years of age, occurred in children vaccinated against polio.
9.In 1972 before a Senate subcommittee hearing, polio vaccine inventor Jonas Salk testified that nearly all polio outbreaks since 1961 resulted from or were caused by the oral polio vaccine.
10.The Lancet reported in 1976 that vaccines do not adequately protect against whooping cough and close to one-third of notified cases were fully vaccinated.
11.The Lancet reported in 1977 that there is no protection demonstrated from whooping cough vaccine in infants.
12.Science reported in 1977 that as many as 26 percent of children receiving the rubella vaccination develop arthritis.
13.In 1984 the Archives of Disease in Childhood, Vol.59, No.2, pp.162-65 reported, “Since the decline of pertussis immunisation, [sic] hospital admission and death rates from whooping cough have fallen unexpectedly… The severity of attacks and the complication rates in children admitted to hospital were virtually unchanged.”
14.1986 U.S. Vaccine Injury Compensation Act passed by Congress.
15.1988 U.S. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program funded.
16.The Lancet reported in 1994 that asthma is five times more common in vaccinated children than in non-vaccinated children.
17.The Merck Manual in 1996 publishes that “Autoimmune diseases may be initiated by the encephalitis that can follow rabies vaccination in which an autoimmune cross-reaction probably is initiated by animal brain tissue in the vaccine”.
18.The Lancet publishes in 1999 that there were 15,229 cases of diphtheria in Russia, and that most children were fully vaccinated.
19.According to the NIH, a Japanese study in 2002, “Development of Vaccination Policy in Japan,” documents the number of Japanese children developing autism rose and fell in direct proportion to the number of children vaccinated each year.
20.In 2006 polio was reported on the rise in Nigeria despite an almost universal rate of vaccination in that country 

24 Vaccinations: Your Child vs. “The Greater Good”

By Marcella Piper-Terry, Founder of VaxTruth.

When people talk about childhood vaccinations, it becomes almost immediately apparent that this discussion is not one that is likely to be had calmly. I believe that’s because there are basically three “camps” – or three different types of individuals who are likely to engage in this kind of discussion. The first “camp” is the “Official” one. Those who represent this camp are often doctors, nurses, and other “public health officials.” This camp is also represented by the CDC, AAP, and other organizations such as “Every Child By Two.” From the perspective of those in the “Official” camp, vaccines are safe. The argument that is used to prove vaccines are safe is basically, “Because we said so and we are the experts.”
The other two “camps” are composed mostly of parents and grandparents; though admittedly there are some organizations that could be lumped into these groups, as well. VaxTruth, for example, is just one such organization. VaxTruth, like many of the other organizations that are lumped in with the parents, differs from the “Official” groups in that we make no money from either the sale of vaccines or from any other sources related to vaccine uptake:  whether it is higher or lower makes no difference to our financial bottom lines. Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, we can talk about the remainder of the population who have opinions that are strong enough for them to weigh in, when it comes to vaccines.

Τετάρτη 19 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Έρευνα:New Study: Vaccinated Children Have 2 to 5 Times More Diseases and Disorders Than Unvaccinated Children

Preventable Vaccine-induced Diseases

A German study released in September 2011 of about 8000 UNVACCINATED children, newborn to 19 years, show vaccinated children have at least 2 to 5 times more diseases and disorders than unvaccinated children.

The results are presented in the bar chart below; the complete data and study results are here. The data is compared to the national German KIGGS health study of the children in the general population. Most of the respondents to the survey were from the U.S. (Click on the chart to see it better)
© German KIGGS

The data was collected from parents with vaccine-free children via an internet questionnaire by vaccineinjury.info and Andreas Bachmair, a German classical homeopathic practitioner. The independent study is self-funded and is not sponsored by a large "credible" non-profit or government health organization with political and financial conflicts of interest; hence Bachmair relies on Google ads and donations for revenue. Each one of the 8000 cases are actual cases with medical documentation. Three other studies had similar results according to Bachmair and are reported below.

Κυριακή 16 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Εμβόλια: Το πλήρες ιστορικό

Το Διεθνές Ιατρικό Συμβούλιο για τους εμβολιασμούς (www.VaccinationCouncil.org) κυκλοφόρησε, αποκλειστικά μέσω του NaturalNews.com, ένα πρωτοποριακό έγγραφο που περιέχει τις υπογραφές πάνω από 80 οικογενειακών γιατρών, χειρουργών του εγκεφάλου και καθηγητών της παθολογίας, της χημείας και της ανοσίας, εκ των οποίων όλοι έχουν υπογράψει ένα έγγραφο το οποίο αναφέρεται, επίσημα, ότι τα εμβόλια αποτελούν σημαντικό κίνδυνο βλάβης για την υγεία των παιδιών και...
ότι δεν υπάρχει πραγματική επιστήμη η οποία να υποστηρίζει την «μυθολογία των εμβολίων», που ισχυρίζεται ότι τα εμβόλια είναι κατά κάποιο τρόπο καλά για τα παιδιά.
Οι παραπάνω υπογράφοντες αντιπροσωπεύουν ένα φάσμα που περιλαμβάνει παιδιάτρους, νευροχειρουργούς, καθώς και καθηγητές της παθολογίας, της χημείας, της βιολογίας και της ανοσολογίας, από 13 χώρες. Όλοι έχουν πραγματοποιήσει ανεξάρτητες επιστημονικές έρευνες και έχουν καταλήξει στα συμπεράσματα που θα διαβάσετε στην παρακάτω παρουσίαση.

Τα αρχικά MD, DO, MB, MBBCH σημαίνουν ειδικότητες της ιατρικής.

Τα αρχικά ND σημαίνουν γιατρούς εκπαιδευμένους, που έχουν άδεια εξασκήσεως επαγγέλματος σε ορισμένες μόνο Πολιτείες των ΗΠΑ.

Αναρωτηθήκατε ποτέ γιατί οι γιατροί δεν μπορούν να βρουν την αιτία πολλών ασθενειών; Είναι επειδή έχουν μάθει να αγνοούν την σχέση των εμβολίων με αυτές τις ασθένειες. Έχει τεκμηριωθεί ότι οι παρακάτω ασθένειες έχουν άμεση σχέση με τα εμβόλια.

·         Αλλεργίες και έκζεμα
·         Αρθρίτιδα
·         Άσθμα
·         Αυτισμό
·  Όξινη παλινδρόμηση σε βρέφη, που η αντιμετώπισή της με αντιόξινα δημιουργεί πολλές παρενέργειες
·         Καρκίνος
·         Διαβήτης (βρεφική και παιδική ηλικία)
·         Νεφρική νόσος
·         Αποβολές
·         Μακρά λίστα νευρολογικών και αυτοάνοσων νοσημάτων
·         Αιφνίδιος βρεφικός θάνατος (SIDS)
·         Και πολλά, πολλά άλλα

Αυτές είναι μερικές από τις παρενέργειες των εμβολίων, οι οποίες τεκμηριώνονται στην ιατρική βιβλιογραφία και σε έντυπα στις συσκευασίες τους: